I’m honored to have one of my stories featured in the upcoming book The Mammoth Book of Futuristic Romance, which is scheduled to be published Jan 2013. My story is called Racing Hearts and will offer a glimpse into the universal race Phase Nine that I mention in my Shadow Quest series. MBOFR will offer fun… Continue Reading →
Weekend Giveaway for Demon Possession via Amazon
Kindle users pay attention. For Amazon.com kindle users, Demon Possession will be FREE in ebook format this Friday and Saturday only. April 6th and 7th. In exchange, I request that you post a review on Amazon after you have read the book. =^_^= Demon Possession is a spicy-hot paranormal, sci-fi romance. Happy Easter!
DEMON SLAVE AVAILABLE NOW! Finally, announcing the release of Demon Slave in all the ebook platforms! If you’re a paperback lover, don’t beat me up, the paperback version should be available in the next few weeks. I’ll be posting on Twitter and Facebook when it is. A Favor, If You Please… Word of mouth is… Continue Reading →
Halfway Through; Nowhere Near Done
Directly after my first paranormal romance novel, Demon Possession, was published in April, I started working on book 2 of my Shadow Quest Series, Demon Slave. With the first book, I had immersed myself so deeply into the two main characters that it took me a while to get out of their heads and figure… Continue Reading →
Demon Possession – AVAILABLE NOW!
I’m super excited to announce that Demon Possession (Shadow Quest – Book 1) is now available in ebook format. You can find it on Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, or Smashwords. I’ve already received such great feedback from everyone. Thanks guys! Self-publishing has been such a trial-and-error experience—A charting new territory type of venture—that I’m a… Continue Reading →
Editing Woes
I’ nearly finished editing my book and I couldn’t be more excited! Only a few more chores before I can finally publish. Formatting comes next. With self publishing you really learn what’s involved in producing a quality product, and because this is my first book I’m finding all the snags. Which is good for working… Continue Reading →
Finally Finished? Yeah Right.
I finally finished the last chapter of Demon Possession. *Sigh of relief* Now I have the daunting task of editing. I’ve been researching the process of self-publishing and came across a very helpful book by Zoe Winters called Smart Self-Publishing: Becoming an Indie Author. Zoe pretty much gives an inside look and the publishing do’s… Continue Reading →
Confusing My Cats
When I first made the decision to write a book I imagined the end result. First the Agent would call and praise my work, wanting to work to get me a publishing deal, then I would jump up and down with excitement, screaming through my house, and confusing the hell out of my cats. Then… Continue Reading →