So I woke up this morning, my day off, and thought, “I would like to write all day today.” Easier said than done. First off, I suppose I’ll have to eat at some point. Lunch, and probably dinner too. Breakfast is usually an entire pot of coffee, don’t worry, it’s one of those little Mr. Coffees since I’m the only one in the house who drinks it, and which I can consume while I check my email and chat on twitter.
Evading the Monster
That’s another thing. That monster called Internet, who waits, stalking, until your resolve weakens, and you’ve become nothing more than a tasty bunny for it to simply reach out with one gnarled claw and drag you back into its evil lair.
Terminate the Tweets
Twitter is so much fun because it’s so divers and people are crazy, funny, silly, ranty, mad at the world, inspirational, self-pitying, ridiculously happy, etc. You get to see it all in the span of about a minute. Then there’s email—you have to check email. After that comes the standard, and sometimes hated, self-promotion, which is just part of being self-published and has to be done…well, unless you don’t care about selling books.
All that little stuff adds up in a big way. And before you know it, the day is half over and you haven’t even begun.
My Goal for the Next Week?
Less twitter…sorry guys, I’ll miss you. But I’m sure you’ll survive without my amazingly random tweets, for a little while at least. I’ll also be backing off slightly on the self-promotion; this means the free ebook giveaway of Demon Possession I’d been planning is going to have to wait.
The terrible thing is that I’m already self-sabotaging, because I plan on tweeting this blog as soon as it goes live. Ah well, I’ll start right after that. 😉